Multifamily Legislation
There is manifest injustice in permitting property, in the hands of the wealthy, which ought to be taxed as other property, to escape taxation altogether, or to be taxed only on a very small part of its value."
Delegate Daniel Read of Monroe County, Indiana, 1850
The case for equitable property assessment in Indiana
The St John case paved the way for equitable assessments in Indiana based on "market value-in-use." Unfortunately, the current reality is that each of the 92 counties in Indiana are in different places regarding how close to market value their assessments hew (for more information about the disparity in assessments, click here). Because of this, the 2023 and 2024 changes to the apartment valuation in IC 6-1.1-4-39 are impacting counties differently - the closer to market value your assessments are, the greater the potential damage to the tax base. We view this new legislation as a stealth subsidy to owners of these properties, at the expense of taxpayers who now have an increased tax burden passed along to them.